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A thread for all those stray posts that don't deserve one.
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>My friend working in the unions says it's a big hurdle when vulnerable workers are scared to talk in-office and work from home so often it's hard to organize a meeting with non-union employees.
HR loves that atomisation. Apparently some call-center employees got in trouble for talking to each other too much over M$ Teams at work. Dystopian shit, for real.
Absolutely, recuperation sucks but for a movement like socialism it's a foot in the door. Western countries look at their big bad enemy demonised by all the media and see 'Community Party', that's subliminally going to create a negative impression which isn't easy to overcome.
Replies: >>417
The truth is the word 'socialism' has been partially recuperated for about a hundred years anyway.
and i just left the room.jpg
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>that guy says elon musk is the smartest and richest guy in the world
>reply that he's the richest and he buys the smartest guys in the world
>no they invented spacex and tesla himself
>point out that elon didn't found tesla
>no they did i researched it before buying stock
It amazes me how people can so confidently say obvious lies. Five seconds of the most basic research is all it takes to know that's not the case.
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It's amazing how easy it is for mass media to point at anyone improving their situation and make the rest of the working class envious. I remember when train workers were on strike here, people with higher salaries were whining 'how come they think they have the right to demand more money?'

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post stupid shit said by stupid people.
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Every semantic 'gotcha' argument.
There's a famous screencap from 8ch /leftypol/ where someone analyses the Harry Potter series in the frame of it exemplifying the liberal mindset of its author, and then compares that worldview to US progressive-liberals and media focusing on technicalities and semantics, as if Donald Trump would be defeated if they just discovered the right contradiction, or the right legal argument, or if that word they used originally meant something different.
Every time a socialist parrots this idealist crap, call it out.

Heh, if we're counting all the poorly-chosen terms, we could fill this thread in a day.
Replies: >>429
Not the same but related is the good ol' liberalism = fascism.
I'd say the false equivalence comes from the logical failure of thinking two concepts that share enough similarities are the same. But it ends up as silly as saying 'cats = dogs', sure they're both mammals, have four legs and a tail, eat meat, are common pets around the world, so many similarities but to consider them the same is a blatant analytical failure. Yes, social liberalism and fascism share many shocking similarities and their link must be understood, but to conflate them is laughable.
I disagree with a few specifics here, but this short recent CPUSA article summarizes some of the evident differences even on the surface level: https://cpusa.org/article/the-united-states-is-not-a-fascist-country/

I will say that those inspired by classical fascism (as opposed to Nazism) and we socialists share a common advantage: the mainstream is so politically ignorant that they don't recognize us, even if they're told to fear us. So while we need to take advantage of this, we also need to learn to spot the progressive neo-fascists and understand why they are a false path. Anyone can spot a Nazi and a White nationalist, but more orthodox fascists will easily pass as a patriotic progress
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Replies: >>419
>Mussolini in all likelihood considered themself a non-Marxist socialist
That was Hitler.
Replies: >>422
It may have been Hitler, and it was certainly Mussolini.

Extracts from the Last Testament of Benito Mussolini
<The following texts are Benito Mussolini's testament and final thoughts. They were written on April 27, 1945 — the day in which Mussolini was captured by Communist Partisans. On the following day he was executed
>[..] Labourers are infinitely superior to all false prophets who pretend to represent them. These false prophets have an easy time of it due to the insensitivity of those who have the sacrosanct duty of taking care of labourers. It is for this reason that I was, and am, a socialist.

>The accusation of inconsistency is without foundation. My behaviour has always been consistent in the sense of looking to the substance, not the appearance of things. I have adapted myself, socialistically, to reality. As the natural development of society proved more and more of Marx's predictions to be wrong, true socialism retreated from the possible to the probable. The only feasible socialism that can be truly implemented is Corporativism—a merging point, a place of equilibrium and justice, with respect for collective interests.
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>There's a famous screencap from 8ch /leftypol/
Found it using leftybooru.

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Here is one of Russel Brands ex Girlfriends. 
 Her name is Jemima Goldsmith, of the Goldsmith finance Dynasty. The Goldsmiths were at one point the main major rival to the Rothschild family. She has two younger brothers, one a financier, the other Zach Goldsmith, a former Tory MP, London Mayoral Candidate and now Life Peer. 
 Jemima her self used to be married to Imran Kahn, the recently couped Pakistani prime minister. 
 She was also a friend of Princes Diana. 
 On top of that, at one point she was going to post bail for Julian Assange, but didn't, because she didn't like how he dealt with the questions of sexual abuse. 
 She is a filmmaker, and at one point spoke at a stop the war coalition rally. She was opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Interesting stuff.
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This might sound a bit stupid, but It essentially is in my opinion. If we ignore places outside of England, there’s only really 4 options. The tories if you’re right wing, and labour if you’re left wing. If you don’t like those parties, you go to the 2 smaller, but well established parties, so Reform if you think the tories aren’t right wing enough and the Greens if you think labour aren’t left wing enough. So it’s only SLIGHTLY better than the American system of there only being 2 parties. It’s better in the sense that there’s 4 instead of 2. 
There are obviously even smaller parties but you’d be wasting your vote.
Replies: >>425
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It's not stupid at all, one could even consider Libertarian and Greens as the equivalent parties in the US. The two 'alternatives' have a spoiler effect, so it just can't be compared to other systems where one can vote for any candidate without practically wasting it.
Replies: >>426
I know polls aren’t really a good representation of where things are going but if the general election ends up being like the polls it’s going to be insane. The 2 party system would essentially be completely demolished. Basically, there’s a possibility that the tories could end up becoming a third party, and the Liberal Democrats (who are the “official” opposition, but honestly I have no idea who votes for them) would end up becoming the opposition party. 
It would be like the libertarians replacing the republicans as the opposition to the democrats, insane stuff.
Replies: >>427 >>428
*who are the “official” third party
Brain fart
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The tories are ridiculous, and that kind of shift is possible looking back at history. I wonder what effect it would have if the whole 2-party system moved to social liberalism, LibDems on the 'right' and Labour on the 'left'.

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Ren and Stimpy - Space Dogged.webm
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My Life as a Teenage Robot - The Wonderful World of Wizzly.webm
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Phineas and Ferb - It's a Charmed Life.webm
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The commies are infiltrating our cartoons! Those dastardly college arts majors are brainwashing the kids!
ITT we post Western mainstream media which show socialism in an unexpectedly positive light or have unusually sharp critique of capitalists.

>The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius — Krunch Time (2002)
In the opening scene, there are two clips where there is a clearly visible Soviet hammer and sickle on the label of an opened box in the background, with some unreadable text. No-one really knows why, although I can't help but notice the similarity to Jimmy's shirt design.

>The Ren & Stimpy Show — Space Dogged (1995)
The episode features Ren and Stimpy as pioneering Soviet cosmonauts. Alongside a few jabs at the USSR being a developing nation, it also ridicules US red scare paranoia and their delusion of winning the space race.

>Antz (1998)
This family film revolves around a worker ant, in crisis over their insignificance, constantly re-enforced by their ant society. They swap places with their soldier ant friend Weaver, right as the general begins to stage a coup d'état, sending soldiers units loyal to the queen on a suicide battle.
The class relations are made clear at the beginning. The protagonist complains that, despite Weaver calling the ants the ruling species [empire], he is unfulfilled and envious of the soldiers' glory. Soon, a small group of soldier ants become violent in a bar when two worker ants break conformity. Weaver steps in to defend them, leading to a large class brawl. Later, after switching places, the protagonist blunders their way into becoming a war hero and accidentally kidnapping the princess to avoid being discovered as a worker ant. When rumours of them overpowering the military guard reach the workers, Weaver points out their friend was a worker ant, and Weaver himself was a soldier. This shatters the workers' delusions of class fate, leading to the attached clip where there are explicit socialist themes in the class rebellion. The manager is also shown as an unwitting pawn of the coup plot, who later during a strike still hopelessly tries to convince striking workers to return with scare tactics about filling their quotas, and is basically told to fuck off. The coup is also specifically classist and eugenicist, with the leader of the middle soldier class plotting to assassinate the royal ruling class and genocide the 'weak' worker ants in a tunnel flood.

>My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003)
The second episode, Pest Control, is about a revolutionary lab rat, Vladimir, who leads their fellow comrades into rebellion against their abusive captor. The name, their beard, their cartoon Russian accent and the big ol' hammer and sickle on the title card make the allegory clear. While obviously taking the role of a comical villain, and despite a line or two about world domination, their portrayal is generally sympathetic with even a main hero saying they can't help feeling sorry for the rats.
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I think you're missing the plot of the film. They have a freakin' space laser.
As much as people love to red scare about almost everything, it's funny that they never point to blatant Marxist themes and quotes in family cinema like Antz. They don't even know what they're scared of.
Replies: >>400
Investigating Shrek - Power, Identity, and Ideology (2011).pdf
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Shrek 2 - They Don't Even Have Dental [8InEAgkjAE0].webm
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Chapter 5 of the PDF related is "A Neo-Marxist
Interpretation of Shrek 2", which talks about various themes present in the film. While some of the chapter is interpretation which was probably unintended by the writers, and while some of the themes are intentional but not inherently socialist (e.g. classism and racism, bourgeois ideology) enough of it seems plausible to make one think there was some socialist influence on the writing.
All that said, it's surprisingly congruent to interpret the Fairy Godmother as an industrial capitalist, especially with how she relates to the state and media (ads, celebrities).
Replies: >>403 >>413
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Happily ever afters are a spook.
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>that chapter about people getting mad they analysed a pop media film

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This is a thread about parties, orgs, unions, aid and all the rest.
Post your experiences, wins, questions and rants.
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>and flooded the march with thousands of members
meanwhile my industry is so pitiful there were just ten people marching under our flag, and almost all of them were the union staff rather than industry workers, so they're technically members of a different service union instead of mine ;_;
Replies: >>410
There were some workers in my union chat lamenting that we decided to march on a workday. I understand, but I also look to the other unions who successfully turned it into a non-legal holiday. That's a realistic goal for many industries.
Yet reformists out here are really trying to send the government a petition to make it a holiday. Ha!
average day at work.webm
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>union rep: I wish we knew more about how the compan-
Replies: >>412
Good stuff. Especially in big companies where they have a maze of executives with no clue what is happening, being fed premade replies from HR. If you can cut through the hurdles and go straight to the important people, that's a win.
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>be me
>may day march
>chatting with five staff members from my union
>SEP (WSWS) walks up and starts asking us all if we're dissatisfied with our union staff and want to leave and form a one true union instead

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As socialists, we recognise intellectual property is a harmful artificial scarcity. As technology evolves, information has become easier to distribute. Now, with the advent of everyday computers and phones, we can share writing, pictures, videos, 3D models and even computer tools in mere seconds at effectively no cost. We have unprecedented potential to own and share knowledge, download entertainment for free, and to own the means of digital labour by using community-developed 'free and open source' tools.
Remember, if you are committing piracy in a country that attempts to stop it, always wear a VPN! Research them before picking a shit one.

The concept of libraries has been extended globally with the internet. Of course, with the complexities of international copyright law, and the difficulty of censoring distributed information, many of these are 'shadow libraries', operating without respect for bourgeois copyright law. Famous examples are Z-Library (z-lib), Library Genesis (LibGen) and Sci-Hub. Another virtual library, the borrowing system of Internet Archive, attempts to work openly and within the law, but has recently been attacked by a coalition of publisher companies.
There are also other open datasets, like the widely-used OpenStreetMap.

Don't waste money on streaming companies.
Don't waste money on film distributors.
Don't waste money on games publishers.
Get all of it for free through online piracy. In cases where you do wish to compensate a creator, donate directly to them instead of letting the distributor exploit them by taking a huge cut of the income.
The online piracy scene is active, and easy to search. Torrenting is easy to learn. Direct download are often available too. Community resources like https://rentry.co/megathread and https://rentry.co/piracy-faq will have good, neat lists of which sites to search and how to stay safe, this should help with finding anything popular.

Last edited by discomrade
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Well that's exactly it – they can do all the DRM they want, but you just can't give someone high quality media without them being able to just copy the pixels. It has to get pretty unusable before stopping this is even on the table. Even yt-dlp, with all of Google's/music companies'/new corps' ad revenue at risk, can't stop it.
Replies: >>385
moshi moshi, gumbaru-desu!.jpg
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It's pretty funny whenever people say "I'm going to check which streaming services have it". I just go straight to a torrent site and am already downloading it. It just werks, and I'm paying less.
Somebody puts in all the effort to make the DRM
Another puts in all the effort to undo the DRM

Future historians will be confounded  by this ritual.
Replies: >>386 >>388
It gets even zanier when you realize sometimes it's secretly the same person.
True, but if it drains porky's wallets than I can't help but smile at the mad little dance.

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Post some socialist comedy works. Films, comedian sets, parody, culture jamming, whatever. It's not too hard to find regular writers sneaking in socialist inspiration but far less openly socialist creations.
Accidental Death of an Anarchist is an Italian play set during the Years of Lead. This performance is by an English socialist theatre group Belt and Braces. It's a great comedy and very bluntly political too, which is an excellent combination to see.
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Riley has an uncanny ability to predict the future.
>Boots Riley has said that the film offers a radical class analysis of capitalism, not a specific analysis of the United States under President Donald Trump. He wrote the initial screenplay during Barack Obama's administration, and the target was never any specific elected official or movement, but "the puppetmasters behind the puppets". While most of the final script remained the same, minimal changes were made to avoid appearing to critique Trump specifically, including removing a line where a character says "Worry Free is making America great again," written before Trump used the line in his 2016 presidential campaign. 
This isn't the first time they've had to make adjustments after hitting a bit too close to reality: see >>136
This kinda feels like a pre-Internet meme, in the way that it's a short sharp funny little template which people continually update and mutate to fit a new context.
I've already found two covers about Palestine one is actually from 2021 but could easily have been sung yesterday.
>there are bound to be a few socialists singing comedy.
We certainly have a knack for satire.

David Rovics – Vanguard

Joe Glazer and Bill Friedman – The Ultimate Sectarian

You've just reminded me, I talked to the manager of the 4chan Cup /pol/eague a couple of years ago possibly the only one in there whose brain wasn't rotten on culture war race crap and I found out they were a fan of Bat'ko's songs back in the day.
This was probably the best movie of that year. Having worked in a call center and sales it really hit that much harder as well.
Love Me, I'm a Liberal [8nGJ3AjFF1Y].ogg
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The Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon (RIP) version goes hard.

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Here are my faves in no particular order:

>Return of the Repressed 
Parapolitics and history, deep, detailed dives in a very academic fashion that manages to make that still engaging and easy to digest. Nice slow chilled pace of speech and friendly kinda guy that doesn't try to make too many jokes or go off on less relevant tangents. Really educational. Stand out episodes so far, although I haven't listened to many: Early Communism and the Sea. This basically takes all the ancient aliens/ nazi occultist/ ancient civilisation stuff and looks at it from a hard materialist perspective, open to the idea of lost ancient cultures, but cutting away all the lost master race bullshit, even suggesting, potentially, ancient proto communism, but not going off the chain and making unsupported claims etc. Guy is a scandi. As far as I can tell a Marxist Leninist. Good soundtracks.
>Ghost Stories For the End of the World. 
British Parapolitics with a true crime twinge to it. Some really good episodes to bring you into the world of parapolitics of some of the biggest well known events but not too woo woo, stopping short of making extravagant claims about things. Also has episodes that are more like cultural observations, guy is also a musician and into music and film so you get a lot of cross analysis and interesting tidbits, again, good soundtracks. Stand out episodes: Recent ones about Freemasonry and organised crime in Britain, early ones about the Brabant killings and Gladio, and one called "the horror of policing". Also a Marxist Leninist
>Programmed to Chill 
Again, parapolitics and true crime, not afraid to get into really freaky stuff, bit more out there than the other two but still very grounded . Has some really good guests on and lots of subseries that are long deep dives into subjects. Stand out episodes are a 10+ part series which is an interview with Wendy Painting, Author of Aberation in the Heartland of the Real, which goes DEEP into the Oklahoma City Bombing, the life and times of Timothy Mcveigh, his connections to intelligence and the far right, MKULTRA, and situating this in the context of intelligence agency domestic terror programs in the US. All of this is need to know information for communists in my opinion. 

He also has loads of other good episodes, long series deep dives. Plus he has a nice voice and again, wide ranging broad music taste with nice musical interludes and a laid back style. Gets into humour but not so much to make it distracing, again, willing to explore really out there ideas, but not without critical distance. Guy is an American Ex Mormon. Also some kind of Marxist Leninist 

>Media Roots Radio 
Parapolitical but more current events focussed, brother of Abby Martin often with Abby on. Focus on debunking right wing media narratives and exposing right wing "populist" or "anti establishment" figures as frauds. Very US focussed. This is interspersed with some really good deep dives, such as into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks and A comprehensive history of Freemasonry in the United States. Some kind of libertarian socialist but still in defence of AES kinda people. Huge back catalogue. Also good film, TV and music analysis. 

>Eyes Left
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not on the actual cast, more on twitter. In that sphere of podcasts its like a certain group that basically do a lot of calling other spheres sus... in fairness... some of them are sus. 

Thing is though, unless you are on the higher level, like you have a great amount of knowledge, which is the sphere calling people sus, then you can still learn things from the lower sphere (the sus ones) even if some of what they say may be sus, its still better than mainstream news. 

For me, the sus tier brought me into the higher tier, so in the end, was it really sus?
Replies: >>299
>Thing is though, unless you are on the higher level, like you have a great amount of knowledge, which is the sphere calling people sus, then you can still learn things from the lower sphere (the sus ones) even if some of what they say may be sus, its still better than mainstream news.
For sure, there are overlapping spheres, some people will call it a pipeline. I was brought up in a very liberal environment and wasn't ready to jump directly to spooky scary socialism without progressing through some spheres, and even a couple of sus spheres. And I guess with podcasts/tubes, and I guess communities, an effective way to break the inertia and pull people into other spheres is to jump in and critisise another. Whether it's through 'debates', raids, random social media flaming, whatever kind of agitation you choose, it gives people exposure to another sphere.
Sadly, programmed to chill is no more. Guy randomly bailed off the entire internet. Sucks cos he was a chad
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Marxism Today's about to POP OFF
They're back as seemingly a new super-team, adding three new people to the project (which is already organized as a workers cooperative digital media unit fyi) 
One of the new branches will be as a podcast
Replies: >>369
Looks like they have a nice range of comrades internationally, some solid speaking skills and nifty editing on the video side. Should be an interesting podcast.

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Three-sided football: DIY football and social transformationalism.pdf
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This thread is for discussion and research on Three-Sided Football (3SF), to avoid derailing /swoletariat/.

3SF is an experimental game invented by a Situationist philosopher attempting to explain their idea of triolectics (their refinement of Marxian dialectics) in a book. Three decades later, some Situationists in Glasgow decided to try the game in real life, which has since evolved into casual competitions, international world cups, youth outreach, performance art exhibitions and protests.
Partly due to its political Situationist roots, the game has been interpreted by its players in many ways. Attached is a formal social study article about the sport, where players have variously considered it an educational tool, a non-binary 'queering' of football, an anti-capitalist, autonomous, desportised rejection of mainstream football, and just a fun self-leveling game to play.

The playful counter-cultural aspect of its founders, such as the London Psychogeographical Association, the The Workshop for Non-Linear Architecture and the Association of Autonomous Astronauts, has resulted in a cryptic rabbit-hol e where there are as many serious FIFA and BBC interviews of the game as there are YouTube videos of people playing blindfolded or all tied together by a web of string, or in multiple cases being harassed by security guards. Just as one c an consider football hooliganism a subculture of two-sided football, one could consider the avant-garde Marxist satire scene as a subcul
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Definitely have a look around, I can see someone organized a match last year in Glasgow. I think my closest comp is 1000km away so I might have to wait until I travel to get a chance.
Replies: >>358
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movin dat iron.png
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Under communism, all sports will be productive!
I found a page for a local fortnightly match in the park but it looks like it ended a few years ago. Looking around the internet, it seems most competitions are ephemeral little fringe events popping up for a couple of seasons or even a day before vanishing. Old-internet vibes.
Three Sided Football Arcade [344356433].mp4
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Someone even made a 3SF video game for an arcade bar in NYC back in 2019, now free to public and still being updated. Three minute games, although you need three controllers.
Replies: >>365
Well, this might be the closest I get to playing it for a while...

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